Blisworth Parish Council

Use of Blisworth Eastfield Play Area

Allowing children to use unsupervised equipment is done at Parents, Guardians or Carers own risk.

Parents, guardians and carers are responsible for supervising their children including:

  • Observe social distancing if relevant or required
  • Parents should not allow their children to enter the play area unaccompanied, or when it is occupied such that social distancing cannot be observed
  • Parents should bring hand sanitiser gel or wipes to clean their children’s hands
  • Users, parents, guardians and carers are encouraged to clean equipment, particularly where there are clear touch points such as swing rockers, see saws, or equipment handles
  • Hand hygiene to include washing/sanitising hands more often than usual, for 20 seconds using soap and water or approved gel and foam sanitiser, particularly at the beginning and end of play
  • Users (or parents, guardians or carers of users) are advised not to touch their faces, and to cough or sneeze into a tissue or arm when a tissue is not available
  • Adults and children are reminded not to put their mouths on equipment or their hands in their mouths
  • Consumption of food or drink on play equipment or in the playground area is banned
  • No dogs are allowed in the play area.
  • Children should not stand on the swings

Any contamination concerns should be reported to Blisworth Parish Council Parish Clerk, telephone 07983233501, email address: